In this day and age, having insurance is a necessity to protect your finances in the wake of an illness or injury and in order to comply with traffic laws. For this reason, Hawaiians dedicate an often-substantial amount of their monthly budgets to pay premiums for auto insurance, health insurance, home insurance, and more. In exchange for these regular payments, you have the right to expect that you will be covered in the event of an accident, illness, or natural disaster.
Although insurance companies exist to help their customers in their time of need, unfortunately, some insurance companies take advantage of policyholder ignorance. Most policyholders do not understand how the insurance industry works. This is especially true when an insurance company wrongfully denies payment of insurance benefits that are rightfully owed to an insured party. If you believe your insurance company has acted in a deceptive or wrongful manner, you should call an experienced Hawaii bad faith insurance attorney as soon as possible to discuss a potential bad faith claim.
Davis Levin Livingston serves clients in Honolulu and on all the Hawaiian Islands. Call (808) 740-0633 or submit an online contact form for a free consultation.
What Is an Insurance Bad Faith Claim?
Insurance bad faith claims may arise for several different reasons, including the following:
- Delay of payment on a valid insurance claim
- Failure to provide complete payment on a valid insurance claim
- Unjustified denial of a valid insurance claim
- Misrepresentation of policy provisions
- Misrepresentation of the facts of a claim
- Failing to thoroughly investigate a claim or skewing an investigation to achieve desired results
- Intimidating you in an attempt to induce you to accept a lower settlement amount than you deserve
- Failing to assist you in maximizing your available policy coverage
- Failing to settle a claim within policy limits when possible
Any of the above actions and more on the part of insurance companies can result in extensive and unnecessary losses to policyholders. Fortunately, the law allows victims of insurance bad faith to hold insurance companies accountable for the losses they suffered and more.
Assisting Victims of Insurance Bad Faith
Davis Levin Livingston has handled numerous insurance bad faith cases and achieved significant results on behalf of insurance policyholders.
Cases we have handled include the following:
- A case on behalf of an insured under a no-fault policy who was involved in an automobile accident when she stopped to render aid to a stranded motorist. The insurance company refused to pay no-fault benefits, resulting in a confidential settlement on behalf of the client.
- A case on behalf of an engineer who was improperly cut off from his disability benefits when he was medically unable to perform his job. The insurance company refused to pay disability benefits, resulting in a confidential settlement on behalf of the client.
- A case on behalf of a high-level executive who was disabled for medical reasons. The insurance company attempted to retroactively cut off her policy when she applied for disability benefits, resulting in a confidential settlement on behalf of the client.
Contact an Experienced Insurance Bad Faith Attorney for Help Today
If you believe your insurance company has acted wrongfully in regard to your policy, your first call should be to Davis Levin Livingston to discuss how we can help you. We are committed to helping policyholders receive the compensation they deserve, so please contact our Hawaii insurance bad faith lawyers today to discuss your situation.
Call Davis Levin Livingston at (808) 740-0633 or fill out and submit an online request form today.

Four Decades of Record Breaking Victories
$104,000,000 Child Sex Abuse
We're proud to have secured a landmark $104 million settlement for victims of abuse against Kamehameha School. This ground-breaking case marks a significant victory for the victims, with the school agreeing to settle.
$29,400,000 Medical Malpractice
Physicians at Tripler Army Medical Center failed to order a crucial test that would have detected a twisted gut in a 1-month-old baby, resulting in the loss of 95% of the baby's small intestine and leading to lifelong disability.
$15,400,000 Wrongful Death
The state has agreed to a $15.4 million settlement in a civil lawsuit filed by the families of two hikers who fell to their deaths on a Kauai hiking trail in 2006.
$15,000,000 Vacuum/Forceps Injury
The hospital improperly attempted to deliver a post-date baby using a traumatic second-stage vacuum extraction. This extraction and the delay in delivery resulted in permanent brain damage to the baby.
$9,975,000 Brain Injury
The hospital's failure to monitor an infant's rising bilirubin levels led to bilirubin encephalopathy and kernicterus, resulting in severe and permanent brain damage. A settlement of $9,975,000 was obtained.
$9,500,000 Medical Malpractice
Surgeons at Tripler Army Medical Center reattached the small intestine backward during gastric bypass surgery, leading to complications that ultimately resulted in the death of a 31-year-old Army wife and mother of three.

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Helping Families throughout hawaii for over 40 years
"Professional, KIND, and understanding"
They are most professional, KIND, and understanding. Thank you Matt Winter for all your help.- Clare T. -
"We wouldn't have chosen any other team!"
Mathew Winter and the whole staff of Davis Levin Livingston guided us every step of the way and made sure we understood everything that was going on. They were always so welcoming and compassionate. Communication was never a problem and emails were answered super fast, especially when we had so many questions. They- Maariel -
"The absolute best firm in Hawaii. Compassion and professionalism at its best!"
Truly a wonderful experience with everyone at the firm. I can't thank you enough for helping provide closure for my family and me during this process. The absolute best firm in Hawaii. Compassion and professionalism at its best!- Daniel -
"After doing extensive research I knew that Davis Levin Livingston was the firm for me due to the success they have had in cases like mine."
After doing extensive research I knew that Davis Levin Livingston was the firm for me due to the success they have had in cases like mine. What surprised me was their personal touch. In the 3- Anthony