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Americans with Disabilities Act and Slip and Fall Accidents


If you’ve been involved in a slip and fall accident, you may be entitled to damages from the responsible party. In such cases, hiring a qualified personal injury attorney can help you win in court and get the money you deserve. To learn more about slip and fall lawsuits, consider the information below.

About the Americans with Disabilities Act

The U.S. Government has enacted multiple laws designed to protect citizens from sustaining needless injuries. One such law is the Americans with Disabilities Act. Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, all floors and stairs located in buildings that are open to the public must be safe, stable and slip resistant. When floors are wet or otherwise compromised, signs must be clearly posted to alert people of the danger.


Typical violations of the ADA include:

  • Torn carpet
  • Loose floor boards
  • Unstable stairs or flooring
  • Missing or damaged handrails on staircases
  • Naturally slick surfaces
  • Improperly labeled wet or slippery floors
  • Uneven surfaces
  • Poor lighting

If a building violates the terms of the ADA and you slip and fall, the building’s owners, maintenance team and/or management company may be responsible for any injuries you sustain. However, to obtain the money you deserve after a slip and fall accident, you must file a lawsuit and prove that your accident was a direct result of the responsible party’s actions or failure to act.

If you are able to prove in court that the state of the floor caused you to fall, you may be entitled to medical care and wage reimbursement, as well as punitive damages, depending on the severity of your injuries and the degree of the responsible party’s negligence. If your case goes to court, you will most likely face a jury trial. The court will consider the severity of your injuries, the amount of money you have spent in medical care, the amount of wages you have lost and any future implications of your injuries when determining your settlement. Some cases may settle out of court.

Filing a Lawsuit

In most cases, you will have a much better chance of winning your lawsuit if you solicit the services of a qualified personal injury attorney. An attorney with a thorough understanding of the ADA and related laws can help you to better understand your case so that you can make the best decisions possible moving forward. A skilled attorney can also prepare you for the trial and represent you in court. Furthermore, with guidance from the right attorney, you can rest assured that you will get every last penny you deserve to compensate you for your injuries.

Contact Us

If you or a loved one was involved in a slip and fall accident and you believe that you’re entitled to compensation, please contact our firm for more information. We will be happy to advise you on the merits of your case. Should you decide to file a lawsuit and retain our firm as counsel, we’ll be by your side every step of the way.
